The Modern Malang

- Holistic Studio -

The modern Malang is the safe space for people to connect, communicate, heal, process and thrive in life.

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دا ماڈرن ملنگ

The Modern Malang

- Holistic Studio -


Empathy, Compassion, Love, Relationships


Delivery Logic, Commitment, Mental Health, Emotional Wellbeing


Spirituality, Connection, Faith, Hope, Devotion

دا ماڈرن ملنگ


٘Muraqba / Meditation can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Meditation is also a consciousness-changing technique that has been shown to have a wide number of benefits on psychological and emotional well-being leading to physical wellness.

There is a history of meditation practices in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Traditionally, meditation has ties with many religious and spiritual beliefs. But you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to practice.

دا ماڈرن ملنگ

خانہ بدوش

KhanaBadosh / Corporate programs will often include practical instruction on becoming more mindful at work. This helps people make fewer mistakes and think outside the box. As a result, they’ll experience more joy and satisfaction at work and in their lives.
Corporate meditation may be in-person at the office or done remotely via Zoom. But, just like in school, personalized instruction is the best way to learn any new skill.

دا ماڈرن ملنگ

محفل سماعت

Mehfil e Samat is the transformational, venting, listening and fearlessly pouring your heart out in a safe environment amongst like-minded or similarly challenged people in an exclusive group of 10-15 people being there for each other morally, compassionately, selflessly, and empathetically in weekly gatherings.

دا ماڈرن ملنگ


Ataleequi / Coaching: Helping leaders, bosses, founders, homemakers, teenage parents get unstuck from their dilemmas so that they can create space in their minds for productive thinking – in life and in business. These weekly and bi weekly 1:1 sessions of 60 min each are designed to provide you with structure, support, tools, community, and accountability as you begin the shift into creating a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

دا ماڈرن ملنگ

کی جاناں میں کون؟
Ki Janna Main Kon?

Inspirational workshops, such as our TU HAI KON? MEET YOURSELF designed separately for teens, young,  adults, males and females. this is a group activity layered in 12 part process spread over 12 weeks with each segment being built up on the previous one. The weekly session provides aid in improving your self-awareness, self-acceptance relationship with yourself, relationships with others, workplace, intellect, and much more.

دا ماڈرن ملنگ

الجھن سلجھن
Uljhan Suljhan

Uljhan suljhan /Specialised therapies: In this section, you will get a detailed overview of what is the healing of the inner child and how to identify if your inner child is injured. There will be an opportunity to know the opinion of different experts. And how Reiki, a Japanese technique, works to reduce stress and relax, and also promotes healing.

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Meditations at workplace

Bring The Modern Malang To Your Workplace

Our team is available for group meditations and retreats at your workplace, organizational well-being and happy employees are no more a myth! try us to see the difference.

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